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为了能够更好的做好速卖通卖家,自然也需要先去了解一下速卖通催付款的时候,也需要按照相关的话术去操作,今天我就来给各位分享一些催付款的模板。 策略一:定向优惠券 对于第一和第二种买家,即浏览,加购(或者加wish list)但是并没有下单的访客,我们是没有办法通过站内信和订单留言来跟他们沟通和营销的,所以只能通过邮件营销或者发放定向优惠券的方式来触达他们并且促成转化。相对于邮件营销,定向优惠券的触达和转化效果是更好的,所以我们重点讲解一下如何向这些访客发放定向优惠券。 我们就以“浏览未下单”的买家为例,演示一下如何发放定向优惠券。首先我们要先把最近7天或者30天只浏览但是未下单的客户筛选并且分组,接下来找到这个组,发放定向优惠券,对于加购(或者加wish list)但是并没有下单的客户,我们可以以同样的方式筛选和发放优惠券,这里就不再赘述。 策略二:“望闻问切,对症下药” 那么对于第三种下单不付款的买家行为,我们要如何营销呢?其实,对于下单不付款的原因,大概可以分为以下四种,我们就一一对症下药,我整理了相应的范文模板,各位可以尽管去复制粘贴,拿走不谢。 原因1:遇到支付问题 Dear friend, Thanks forvisiting our store. We noticed that you placed an order but didn't pay for it yet. Can i know the reason why you didn't make payment ? If you have anypayment questions, below link can help you: http://help.aliexpress.com/categories_Payment.html Feel free tocontact us for any other questions. Best regards XXX 原因2:买家砍价 Dear Friends, Thank you forordering these items. As you know,people always pay for what they buy. And i am sure you will be satisfied with ourproduct quality. I am sorry that we can't offer the price you requested. How about we dealat $ XXX ? The price has been adjusted , if you’re satisfied with this price,please just pay directly. Please let me knowfor any further questions. Thanks. Sincerely, XXX 原因3:买家未做任何回复 对于下单不付款也没有任何回复的买家,最简单有效的方法就是降价了。 Dear Friends, We are so honored to be your supplier. In order to establishing our first cooperation, we will offer a 5% off on this order. Discounts already made, what you need to do is just pay for it directly. Thank you and best regards, XXX 原因4:买家不想买了 如果买家确实不想买所拍产品了,我们所能做的就是加深我们的店铺和产品在他们心中的印象,让他们下次有需要就能想到我们。 Dear Friends, We are so sorry to hear that you don't want this item any more. As an regular customer ,next time when you order a 5% discounts will be offered specially foryou. Just remember- XXXstore is your First and Best Choice for XXX products. Thank you all the same XXX
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